How exposed is your job to coronavirus?

how exposed are you?

Given the current standing and state of lock down, a number of governments worldwide have started to relax their lock down and curfew rules to enable their citizens go back to work. However, before you embark and resume work how sure are you that your job is safe from corona virus?
There is no globally accepted criteria for ranking this exposure as different media houses, research organizations, and institutions have come up with various parameters to consider while calculating the Covid19 risk

 To achieve this and come up with an answer, we (@Atomgeospatialsolutions) considered 4 main attributes of your job:
  1. Degree of Personal Contact with customers during work
  2. Distance between you and your customers
  3. How essential is your service or job?
  4. How automated can your job be?

Degree of Personal Contact with customers during work

This determines whether you need to interact physically with customer during service delivery or not. Professionals such as Medical doctors, dentists, nurses have high degree of contact with patients and thus a high risk of infection. Actually this is evidenced in the current rise in corona virus infections for medical practitioner’s world wide

Distance between you and your customers
social distancing

 Jobs that require you to be in a radius of less than 2 meters while dealing with clients have a high risk of corona virus infection than jobs where you can serve clients in a distance more than 2 meters. Actually this Is the reason why most governments are highly encouraging and promoting social distancing as a way of reducing the risk of infection and spread. Because of this reason, Truck drivers, shop attendants, Dentists, nurses and doctors have a higher risk than Radio presenters, television presenters, artists, surveyors e.t.c

How essential is your service or job? 
Doctors undertaking an operation
whether a job is essential or not determines if it can be paused during this pandemic or it cannot. Doctors, nurses, fuel pump attendants, police officers, are more exposed because the essentiality of their services. A result those people are always exposed to multitudes of people each single day and thus the high risk of infection. On the other hand, bar attendants, comedians, tailors re less exposed to the risk because their services can be paused for a given period of time with little effect on the public

How automated can your job be?

use of AI systems
The degree of automation determines whether work can be substituted by machines or artificial intelligence programmers and thus reducing the risk of human exposure to the disease. For this reason, many IT jobs, computer science jobs, data science jobs online tutoring jobs are at a low risk of exposure. However medical jobs till stand at a high risk due to a low rate of automation. Consider the work of a dentist or a mid-wife during childbirth.

Considering the above factors, we can determine which jobs are more prone to corona viru than the others. Below is a sample risk ranking :

Occupation Risk
Doctor High
Dentist High
Nurse High
Obstetricians and Gynecologists High
 Midwives High
Bus Drivers High
Taxi drivers High
Ambulance Drivers Medium
Teachers Medium
Education Administrators Medium
Tutors Medium
Office Clerks Medium
Waiters Medium
Baristas Medium
Community Health Workers Medium
Counter Attendants Medium
Tailors Medium
Loan Interviewers and Clerks Medium
Fitness Trainers  Medium
Cook Medium
Sociologists Low
Remote Sensing Scientists  Low
Environmental Economists Low
Molecular and Cellular Biologists Low
Actuaries Low
Atmospheric and Space Scientists Low
Soil and Plant Scientists Low
Poets Low
Computer Network Architects Low
Mathematicians Low
Astronomers Low
Economists Low
Farmers Low
Web Developer Low
Civil Engineers Low
Zoologist Low

Together we can fight this virus. stay home, stay safe