Creating a Slope Map in Qgis [Tutorial]

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Today we'll look at creating a slope map in QGIS. This series will be split into two parts(tutorial 1) and (tutorial 2 ). Today will look at tutorial one.

We shall use Quantum Gis because  it is simply because it is free, easy to use and learn.

Slope map of kampala

Well You must have studied some where in math or physics that Slope is the percentage change in gradient i.e Δx/Δy. when it comes to the geospatial word, that percentage change is a very useful factor

it  is used to define how steep an area is. 

the information obtained can be used  to do landslide analysis, soil erosion analysis,  suitability analysis among many other analysis

In this demonstration we shall use a Digital elevation model for Kampala City (SRTM 30m) 

Step 1: Load the Dem into Qgis software

Step 2: Open raster --> Analysis --> slope

Step 3:  A window will open and it will prompt use to fill in the parameters to use in the slope computations as shown below( note that the input should be a raster elevation layer)

Depending on what you want, you may process slope as a percentage or In degrees

Step 4: Run and save your output. Once you finish running the tool, a processed slope output feature layer will be added into the window 

Step 4: After the display, take some time to study and analyse the results and values that come out of the processing. after thorough analysis then you can proceed to do the visualization and symbolization.

For today, we shall stop there, we shall continue from there in tutorial 2 

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